The application useful to every man - and the one who ties the tie 1-2 times a year for the holidays, and one who wears it every day.
Easy step by step instructions will teach anyone to tie a tie. Photos and descriptions will help you choose the right knot and figure out how to tie a tie.
For beginners we recommend to start with simple knots like - "Simple", "Kelvin" or "Windsor". Advanced should try something line - "Pratt", "Hanover", or "Grandchester".
Fashionmonger can try extravagant knots like - "Eldridge", "Trinity" or "Baltus".
Features of the application:
* Step by step instructions with automatic scrolling mode.
* 16 different tie knots.
* Knots classification by size, complexity and symmetry.
* Own list of favourite tie knots.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>